Privacy Policy

These Terms of Use of the Sites (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms”, “these Terms”) are an agreement on the procedure for use by the end user (hereinafter referred to as the “User”) of Internet sites located at the addresses, https ://, managed and administered by Headhunter LLC (TIN 7718620740, address: 129085, Moscow, Godovikova St., 9, building 10) (hereinafter referred to as “Site Administration” / “Contractor” ") and other sites managed by the Site Administration or sites that are partners of Headhunter LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "Site").

The User is an individual determined in accordance with these Terms, registered on the Site and received a unique username (login) and password (hereinafter referred to as “Account Information”) to enter the protected pages of the Site (hereinafter referred to as “Registration”). individually or jointly (subject to their use of different Accounting Information and the existence of the legal basis specified in these Terms) with other individuals united in one Registration.

The user can be:
— an individual - an employee of the Customer;
— individual - employer;
— individual - Customer carrying out business activities without forming a legal entity;
— an individual Customer providing any services in the field of personnel selection.

The person who has concluded the corresponding Service Agreement with the Site Administration is the Customer of the Services (hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”).
These Terms establish the rights and obligations both between the Site Administration and the User, and between the Site Administration and the Customer. The User's obligations established by these Terms are also the Customer's obligations to the Site Administration arising in connection with the actions of the Users and the Customer's own actions in using the Site. The Customer is responsible for the User’s actions as for his own actions. Moreover, in accordance with these Terms, the User does not acquire independent or any separate rights in relation to the Site Administration. All rights granted by the Site Administration in accordance with these Terms arise only directly from the Customer. The obligations of the Customer established by these Terms are also the obligations of the User.
Use of the Site constitutes the agreement of the User and the Customer with these Terms.
The site is designed to search for potential employees, individuals, performers of work/services, post information about companies as employers and vacancies on the Internet, as well as to communicate with applicants about job vacancies. Use of the Site for other purposes is not permitted.
Application - software (computer program) of the Site Administration for functioning on mobile devices with the iOS or Android operating system, and having functionality that provides the User, if he uses such software, with the ability to use certain services and functionality related to search and selection of personnel and contained on the website The functionality of such an Application is determined at the discretion of the Site Administration.

1.1. By using the Site, the Customer undertakes not to perform the following actions:

1.1.1. Post, distribute, store, download and/or destroy materials (information) in any way through the Site in violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation and international law;

1.1.2. Post and/or transmit information through the Site in the form of text, image, video, sound, link or program code, which may be illegal, threatening, offensive, libelous, knowingly false, rude, obscene (with hidden intimate and erotic overtones, contain information and materials of an erotic and/or pornographic nature, implying the provision of services of a sexual nature), calling on citizens to violence, aggression, actions that violate the law, harm other visitors to the Site, and violate their rights;

1.1.3. Post knowingly false information about yourself, your company or vacancy;

1.1.4. Place advertisements promoting any franchise or pyramid scheme offering to "join the club", become a distributor, sales representative, "manager" or other employee of a company whose business model is based on the preliminary and/or periodic transfer of funds from subordinate employees superiors, and involves payment only as a percentage of sales and/or requires the attraction or hiring of other agents, distributors, “managers”, “club members” and the like;

1.1.5. Post and/or transmit content (including, but not limited to: information, materials, files, etc.) using the Site if the User does not have the necessary rights to do so. This rule applies to any content containing any works, trademarks and service marks, trade names, patent and confidential information, information constituting someone's trade secret, other protected results of intellectual activity, and the like;

1.1.6. Destroy and/or change any materials on the Site, the copyright holder of which the Customer is not

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